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Combined display of all available logs of Ravnens wiki. You can narrow down the view by selecting a log type, the username (case-sensitive), or the affected page (also case-sensitive).
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)- 12:32, 8 February 2019 Lubricus talk contribs created page Fanga (Created page with "Enorm innsjø i Maan. Fanga er verdens nest største innsjø, etter Grandsee i Khontica, og har vært enormt viktig for utviklingen av sivilasjoner og folkegrupper...")
- 12:26, 8 February 2019 Lubricus talk contribs created page Tagalsa (Created page with "By og provinshovedstad i Al-Anun i den samaranske delen av Maan. Byen var også hovedstad i Anun før invasjonen, og er det nordlige Maans største og v...")
- 11:58, 8 February 2019 Lubricus talk contribs created page Alaiun (Created page with "Kystby i det nordlige Unnah-Siuun i Samara. Før den samaranske invasjonen var Alaiun en ganske viktig havneby for Ciunna, og et av de viktigste sentrene for m...")
- 11:44, 8 February 2019 Lubricus talk contribs created page Talein (Created page with "Havneby på vestkysten av Maan, og administrasjonssete for emiren av Esh-Shaan. Talein tilhørte Ectinia før den samaranske invasjonen, og innbyggerne er...")
- 11:40, 8 February 2019 Lubricus talk contribs created page Seris (Created page with "Havneby langs vestkysten av Ectinia. Seris organiserer det lille av handel som går over sjøen fra det isolerte kongedømmet, og er hyppig besøkt av kirinske...")
- 11:35, 8 February 2019 Lubricus talk contribs created page Fenfet (Created page with "Middels stor by på øya Snafet nord for Maan. Byen var tidligere hovedstad i det selvstendige riket Swuneni, men er i dag under nsk kontroll. Fenfet er...")
- 07:24, 6 February 2019 Lubricus talk contribs created page Kearte Bovttáš (Created page with "Ryohtisk konsul fra 793 til 818 aN, og den eneste som har blitt gjenvalgt mer enn én gang til ryohtienes øverste ledelse før den nåværende konsu...")
- 18:02, 5 February 2019 Lubricus talk contribs created page Vasht (Created page with "(Historisk)<br> Utbryternasjon fra kongedømmet Mvekwongo. Stammer fra det sentrale mvekwongiske riket flyktet nordøstover fra det brutale regimet, og etablerte en sterkt...")
- 17:56, 5 February 2019 Lubricus talk contribs created page Aluba (Created page with "(Historisk)<br> Nasjon på nordkysten av det maanske fastlandet rundt år 700 aN. Aluba ble grunnlagt av utflyttere fra Mvekwongo som var misfornøyde med konged...")
- 17:47, 5 February 2019 Lubricus talk contribs created page Mapei (Created page with "(Historisk) Statsdannelse langs sørøstkysten av Samarica, der kysten ligger nærmest de dalisesiske øyene. Lite vites om grunnleggelsen av Mapei, skjønt d...")
- 17:41, 5 February 2019 Lubricus talk contribs created page Tubul (Created page with "Liten, men kjøttrik makrellfisk som lever langs sørkysten av Teglom øst for Samarica. Denne fisken er regnet som den mest smakfulle av alle fiskeslagene i det Gaw...")
- 17:36, 5 February 2019 Lubricus talk contribs created page Kagu-musling (Created page with "Stor, hjerteformet muslingart som bare finnes langs Tegloms sørkyst. Disse muslingene har sjelden perler, men de få som er funnet har vært ubegripelig vakre, og nesten...")
- 17:34, 5 February 2019 Lubricus talk contribs created page Teglom (Created page with "===1=== (Historisk) Tidligere øystat på de dalisesiske øyene. Teglom var en handelsnasjon med tette bånd til Dalisesa, men var under hele sin eksistens truet...")
- 17:26, 5 February 2019 Lubricus talk contribs created page Gulada (Created page with "===1=== (Historisk) Tidligere nasjon på de dalisesiske øyene, og som spredte seg til fastlandet, som den første av øynasjonene. Gulada eksisterte oppsiktsvekk...")
- 17:20, 5 February 2019 Lubricus talk contribs created page Ualane Perekeios (Created page with "Ciunnisk handelskvinne (19 fN - 54 aN), og kilden til det ciunniske rikets tidligste ikke-religiøse skrifter. Perekeios reiste rundt i store deler av det sentrale...")
- 17:15, 5 February 2019 Lubricus talk contribs created page Litna (Created page with "(Historisk) Kortlivet statsdannelse i tiden rett før vår tidsregning. Litna ble grunnlagt av en anunittisk stamme som reaksjon på at den eldre nasjonen Xopi...")
- 17:07, 5 February 2019 Lubricus talk contribs created page Behud-Zeolis (Created page with "(Historisk) Statsdannelse langs elven Zehhir i dagens Samara. Behud-Zeolis var det samaranske folkets første forsøk på å danne en nasjon, og dette l...")
- 17:01, 5 February 2019 Lubricus talk contribs created page Västnäs (Created page with "Tidlig kvasi-nasjon grunnlagt av en eidisk stamme litt over 2000 år før vår tidsregning. Det lille landet ble erobret av nabolandet Tarakvissel rundt år 195...")
- 16:56, 5 February 2019 Lubricus talk contribs created page Falada (Created page with "===1=== Tidligere nasjon på de sørligste av øyene som senere skulle utgjøre emiratet Misht. Innbyggerne er dalisesere, og landet var Dalisesas rival i flere hu...")
- 11:39, 31 January 2019 Lubricus talk contribs created page Egratni (Created page with "(Historisk)<br> Folkegruppe som levde på sørkysten av Samarica et par tusen år fN, mellom oldtidsrikene Egog og Toflis. Egratniene var i konflikt med Egog av re...")
- 11:31, 31 January 2019 Lubricus talk contribs created page Luognu (Created page with "(Historisk)<br> Folkegruppe i det sørlige Samarica som skal ha vært en viktig handelspartner for den tidlige nasjonen Toflis. Det antas at det luogniske folket ble a...")
- 06:59, 22 January 2019 Lubricus talk contribs created page Pentong (Created page with "Hovedstad i statsdannelsen Wanton øst for de Gadeshiske Stepper, ute i havgapet sør for Blekh-stredet. Category: Steder Category: Wanton")
- 21:18, 15 January 2019 Lubricus talk contribs created page Ernst Wilhelm Gnöttenwagner (Created page with "Kasharisk poet og komponist (998 - 1054 aN), kjent blant annet for det nasjonalpoetiske eposet 'Wir gangen nach Eisbach' samt den populære sangen 'Die Hand macht...")
- 21:14, 15 January 2019 Lubricus talk contribs created page Eferen Alala (Created page with "Fandrisk byråkrat innen Beremsenet (1050 - 1134 aN) som tjente zihimene av Fandrisk Ciunna i hele hans karriere, og som er kjent for å ha etablert...")
- 21:11, 15 January 2019 Lubricus talk contribs created page Minkiti (Created page with "By i Fandrisk Ciunna i Fandria. Minkiti ble etablert i 1089 aN av Eferen Alala som et prosjekt for å integrere ciunniske ungdommer. Alala grunnla en k...")
- 10:52, 15 January 2019 Lubricus talk contribs created page User:Lubricus (Created page with "Hei! Jeg er denne wikiens hovedbidragyter, og den som så langt har skrevet mesteparten av Ravnaverden. Jeg har også en blogg:")
- 10:25, 15 January 2019 talk created page Watch Hornets Playoff Game Live Stream - Watch Hornets Basketball Game Online (Created page with "'Catfish: The tv Show' is a new MTV reality reveal that explores the realities behind couples who meet and also carry on virtual relationships without actually seeing each oth...")
- 10:24, 15 January 2019 talk created page Carcinoma Of The Lung - Classification Stages Symptoms Causes Effects Prevention Detection And Treatment (Created page with "Lung cancer is caused by uncontrolled rapid growth of cells in tissues. This type of cancer is most common and results in above what a million deaths wearing. This form of can...")
- 10:19, 15 January 2019 talk created page A Low Priced Solution For Expensive Cancer Of The Lung Screening (Created page with ""Let everyone sweep in front of his own door, and the whole world will be clean." <br><br>Johann Wolfgang von Goethe <br><br>Radiologists are cheering a recent study unequivoc...")
- 09:56, 15 January 2019 talk created page United States Screening - Most Updated Research (Created page with "Approaches to Lung Cancer Screening <br><br>The debate surrounding lung cancer screening addresses the slow developing nature of this disease and the benefits of early detecti...")
- 09:44, 15 January 2019 talk created page Into Blinds (Created page with "You are actually excited because you are moving into a new residence and despite the fact that it is structurally sound the interior decorating is not rather to your taste.<br...")
- 09:40, 15 January 2019 talk created page Nexus 5 Release Date Nears: Leaked Images Hint Phone Specs Confirm Rumors (Created page with "Added features and enhancements are accessible. Now, consumers can look for a 2.0 USB port affixed to one for the sides which would mean that they can connect certain devices...")
- 09:37, 15 January 2019 talk created page Into Blinds (Created page with "You are actually excited because you are moving into a new residence and despite the fact that it is structurally sound the interior decorating is not rather to your taste.<br...")
- 09:33, 15 January 2019 talk created page Mistakes Made When Obtaining Cityville Facebook Neighbors (Created page with "Snagging to start dating online usually cause a buzz. Can be due for the opposing perceptions about brand new strain way of having the love of your your lifetime. The skeptics...")
- 09:12, 15 January 2019 Lubricus talk contribs deleted page User:Kristi57O04166 (content was: "les jeux sexy jeux sexy girl jeux tres sexy jeux sexy saint valentin jeux batman sexe jeux seduction sexe free je...", and the only contributor was "Kristi57O04166" (talk))
- 09:12, 15 January 2019 Lubricus talk contribs deleted page User:MarlysBxb92306 (content was: "sexo pillada casting sexo espanol porno fetiche porno hentai espanol comic porno naruto porno tube porno gratis f...", and the only contributor was "MarlysBxb92306" (talk))
- 09:10, 15 January 2019 talk created page Assessing The Suitability Of Banquet Chairs For Various Events (Created page with "<br>Comfort provided by squash racquets or chairs play a large harrier eagle in making any social termagant or occasion artful. The social event, then, should denude or comple...")
- 09:07, 15 January 2019 Lubricus talk contribs deleted page Dejting Malmo (content was: "gratis porr aldre kvinnor [ dejting vadstena] bra gratis dejtingsidor [ht...", and the only contributor was "MaudeFfx1305" (talk))
- 09:06, 15 January 2019 Lubricus talk contribs blocked EfrainMain292 talk with an expiration time of indefinite (account creation disabled) (Inserting false information)
- 09:04, 15 January 2019 Lubricus talk contribs blocked LeannaPadbury61 talk with an expiration time of indefinite (account creation disabled) (Inserting false information)
- 09:04, 15 January 2019 Lubricus talk contribs deleted page AbuDhabi Call Girls sex experience (content was: "Before, Abu Dhabi was a strict state with lots of legislation that mostly didn't favor tourists and guests to the region. Some of the legislation that comprised ban of Alcohol and even the sale of land weren't permitted. Homosexuality is...")
- 09:04, 15 January 2019 Lubricus talk contribs deleted page User:AnnieOcj76728 (content was: "Hello from Canada. I'm glad to came across you. My first name is Desiree. <br>I live in a town called Surrey in noth...", and the only contributor was "AnnieOcj76728" (talk))
- 09:04, 15 January 2019 Lubricus talk contribs deleted page Into Blinds (content was: "You are actually excited because you are moving into a new residence and despite the fact that it is structurally sound the interior decorating is not rather to your taste.<br>Soon after dusk, keep your bedroom door open and [http://www...")
- 09:04, 15 January 2019 Lubricus talk contribs deleted page User:DesireeWeatherly (content was: "My name is Desiree and I am studying Asian Studies and Occupational Therapy at Burgistein Station / Switzer...", and the only contributor was "DesireeWeatherly" (talk))
- 09:03, 15 January 2019 Lubricus talk contribs deleted page Facts About Ladish Valves Revealed (content was: "Despite the fact that Pattern creates their lash caps from via-hardened Instrument metal, as pointed out earlier, usually they are produced from alloy steels and circumstance hardened. Invariably, lash caps are provided with about 0.001i...")
- 09:03, 15 January 2019 Lubricus talk contribs deleted page User:DellaE576864782 (content was: "Nothing to tell about me really.<br>Hurrey Im here and a member of this site.<br>I just wish Im useful in one...", and the only contributor was "DellaE576864782" (talk))
- 09:03, 15 January 2019 Lubricus talk contribs deleted page Samsung Galaxy S9 Özellikleri Ve Maliyeti (content was: "[ Samsung Galaxy] [ dich vu visa han quoc] S9 [ �zellikleri] Ve Maliyeti")
- 09:03, 15 January 2019 Lubricus talk contribs deleted page User:JeremiahA43 (content was: "I'm Jeremiah and I live in Valle Agricola. <br>I'm interested in Directing, Weightlifting and Russian art. I like travelli...", and the only contributor was "JeremiahA43" (talk))
- 09:03, 15 January 2019 Lubricus talk contribs deleted page Roteiro Para Ganhar Fluência Em Inglês Estudando Só Pela Net (content was: "Falar outros idiomas em um mundo globalizado � praticamente uma quest�o de sobreviv�ncia nos dias de atualment...", and the only contributor was "AnnieOcj76728" (talk))
- 09:03, 15 January 2019 Lubricus talk contribs deleted page Videos Porno Muy Duros (content was: "Así ha dicho Jehová el Señor: Por cuanto dijo Moab y Seir: He aquí la casa de Judá es como todas las nacione...", and the only contributor was "HellenMead3390" (talk))