The year is 1889, we’re in the Victorian era, there are some very distinct characteristics to the fashion of the time, and we want the costumes to reflect that. No steampunk or modern anachronisms, please.
That being said: costumes are not what should stand in the way of participation. There is a lot to borrow in the community, and you can achieve a good look with simple touches. It is more important that the costume reflects the character than being 100% historically correct.
Laivgarderoben (The larp-wardrobe) has a lot of suitable outfits to lend (and is run by the organizers).
Here is our inspirational Pinterest
Women’s wear

We are at the height (or should we say the width) of the second bustle era. The bustle came back into fashion and reached its greatest proportions in the period 1886-1888; a cushion or cage extending to the back almost straight from the waist, to support a wealth of drapery, fringes, pleats and ribbons, giving the unmistakable pouf. Wearing a full bustle is optional as it is not practical.
The skirt was flat in the front and full in the back (that’s what she said), and often adorned with a seperate drapery on top.
The indispensable corset provided a low, full bust without much cleavage. Corsets were underwear, worn outside a chemise, inside the bodice. (Corsets on the outside first appeared with steampunk and goth fashion in the 1990s). We will not force anyone to use a corset, but encourage you to try, as it is needed to give the right silhouette.
Bodices were tailored using darts and princess seams as to be very fitted. Long-sleeved, jacket-like bodices with fitted sleeves were common as day wear. In the evening low-cut, sleeveless evening dresses were worn, though still with shoulders covered, preferably accessorized by long kid skin gloves (lace gloves will also be accepted).
A complete outfit would consist of; stockings, chemise and drawers or combinations, corset, bustle, petticoat, corset cover, skirt, drapery, bodice, and accessories.

Hats, gloves and shawls were usually worn outdoors. Hair was worn up.
Saloon girls will stand out by wearing sleeveless bodices during the day. This is NOT decent and is a hallmark of the profession. The popular depiction of western prostitutes with very short skirts and the corset outside the clothes is a misconception. On prostitutes, the corsets and stockings were visible because they weren’t dressed during their work day. The saloon girls in Wet Whistle will be more than just sex workers, they will mingle, serve the customers and live their lives, and therefore be dressed from time to time.
Men’s wear
The gentlemen of this time wore a three-piece suit (if they were not wearing work clothes). An informal outfit consists of a short suit jacket (sack coat) with a waistcoat and trousers. A longer jacket (frock coat) is more formal. In the West, many people dressed less formal, in coarser clothes. It was not usual for the waistcoat to match the suit. This is the larp where some characters can actually wear jeans!
Very formal attire consists of a tailcoat, dress shirt and cravat, but it is quite natural that working-class and middle-class gentlemen do not own or wear this.
(You don’t have to buy three different outfits, all these variations are acceptable. You can make a big difference in formal and informal, day and evening outfits with simply changing the shirt, neck piece and/or waistcoat)
Top hats were a requirement among the upper class for formal occasions. Bowlers and felt hats were used in less formal settings or by lower classes. A cowboy hat was a hallmark of the trade, not everyone wore them (but we’ll allow it).