Silver Whistle

Every two years the big poker tournament, Silver Whistle, is held.

Mr Whistle has specially invited the two famous poker players, and rivals, Primrose Holden and Wesley Bells. There is also no shortage of local gamblers and other enthusiasts, the tournament is open to anyone who can pay the fee. A place at the tournament’s main table costs $10 (NOK 2000/day).

The pot is going to be big – Daniel Whistle has also put in some price money.

Friday is set aside for open play, where amateur players can try to win enough money for the fee, or even learn the game. The tournament is played on Saturday. 

The saloon has hired a croupier to deal at the main table on Saturday.

The croupiers in the tournament will be played by actual croupiers, which will teach those who want the game, and make sure the game runs smoothly.